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Can I Use on the Road Again in Youtube Video

YouTube has get a content phenomenon. Dorsum in 2005 when the starting time YouTube video Me At The Zoo was uploaded, nobody would have imagined just how of import this video sharing medium was going to be. Google clearly saw the potential of YouTube, even so, and only 18 months later on YouTube's co-founder shared his zoo visit with the world, Google announced it was paying $1.65 billion for the service.

Since then the power and influence of YouTube have grown at breath-taking speed. It can even merits to exist the world's 2d largest search engine - later Google itself.  Some of its statistics are quite staggering:

  1. Full number of people who use YouTube - 1,325,000,000
  2. Hours of video uploaded to YouTube every infinitesimal - 300 hours
  3. Number of videos viewed on YouTube every day - 4,950,000,000
  4. Average number of mobile YouTube videos per day - 1,000,000,000

Google commissioned a survey in 2022 to understand what the latest viewing trends on YouTube were. Some highlights of the survey were:

  1. six out of 10 people prefer online video platforms to live Tv
  2. In an average month, viii out of 10 18-49-yer-olds watch YouTube
  3. On mobile alone, YouTube reaches more 18-49-twelvemonth-olds than any broadcast or cable tv network

In 2022 Google turned their attention to people watching YouTube on their televisions sets. Highlights from this study include:

  1. The time people spend watching YouTube on a tv has doubled in a year
  2. 2 out of 3 YouTube viewers say they watch YouTube on a tv screen
  3. Just like tv content, watching YouTube on television screens peaks around prime time
  4. Sentry time of YouTube on TVs peaks at the weekend

And so, with so much time spent watching YouTube, on a broad variety of devices, what types of content are people watching?  Information technology turns out that people watch a wide diversity of things actually, which is probably reflective of the fact that YouTube viewers now span the whole spectrum of ages and types of people.

Of course, to many people, YouTube has ane purpose but – information technology's an easy way to lookout music videos. And music videos can't be ignored - in that location are so many of them! According to the Wikipedia List of Well-nigh Viewed YouTube Videos, "Come across Y'all Again" past Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth has had an incredible 2.916 billion views, and has recently overtaken the long-time King of YouTube, "Gangnam Style" to be the leader. In fact, music videos take upwards 77 out of the 80 videos in this top list.

Simply at that place is much more to YouTube than only music videos. From an influencer marketing point of view, official music videos offering little opportunity for influencer promotion. There are many other types of videos giving ameliorate opportunities for marketers, however.

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Summary: Quick Leap Menu

  •  Funny Animals
  •  Video Game Walkthroughs
  •  How To Guides and Tutorials
  •  Product Reviews
  • Celebrity Gossip Videos
  • Vlogs
  • Comedy / Sketch Videos
  •  Shopping Sprees / Hauls
  •  Unboxing Videos
  • Educational Videos
  • Parodies
  • Pranks

  1.  Funny Animals

It is impossible to avoid seeing funny animals on the internet - Facebook feeds, in particular, seem at times to be full of the critters. People just love seeing cute animals, particularly when they are doing something out of the ordinary - videos of cats sleeping aren't the rage this year!

YouTube also has its off-white share of funny animal channels, some depicting videos of real animals pigging the limelight, others - like Simons Cat - beingness animated.

There are besides, of class, numerous serious creature channels, including National Geographic videos featuring the renowned David Attenborough.

  1.  Video Game Walkthroughs

We may have deliberately excluded the ubiquitous music video from this roundup, but we couldn't exclude this category of video, despite it being where number 1 influencer, PewDiePie rules the roost.

Young males (the most common type of gamer) were the first type of people to embrace YouTube, and so it should be no surprise that there are thousands of channels related to video gaming. Minecraft lonely is pop enough to have a website devoted to listing over 1,000 top Minecraft YouTube channels.

A common type of gaming video is a walkthrough, where somebody plays a game, commentating as they progress through the game. 1 of the reasons for Minecraft's popularity (despite its old-time graphics) is that the game is hands moddable, and the filmmakers make use of this characteristic in their videos, where they oft play as modded characters.

There tin can exist huge engagement between gaming video makers and their supporters and there can fifty-fifty be live play sessions.

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  1. How To Guides and Tutorials

There are 3 types of learning style: visual (past seeing), auditory (past hearing) and kinesthetic (by doing). Everybody learns using a combination of these styles, but most people find 1 of the methods easier than the others. Practiced teachers effort to use a mixture of all iii methods in their classrooms.

While it volition always be hard to teach kinesthetically in a video, it is the perfect medium for those who love both visual and auditory learning experiences. A well-structured video, that encourages you to work alongside the presentation, tin can fifty-fifty be useful to the more kinesthetically-inclined.

There are and then many How To videos on YouTube, that you are likely to find something to help you do near anything you can recall of.

These videos have an advantage in that they are virtually timeless - the only reason that a video would date is that the activity itself changes or goes out of engagement.

  1.  Production Reviews

There is a clear trend, nowadays, for people to turn to the net when they are because making a purchase. They want to discover what other people call up about products that interest them.

YouTube is no different from other social media channel in this sense. People flock to the channels of those they trust to come across what they remember nearly various products they have reviewed.

Polls have regularly shown that consumers are more likely to make a purchase if they see a positive review online.

Information technology plainly depends on the production, just YouTube is the perfect medium for many products. People notice it so much easier to relate to a review if they can physically run across the product being used, whether it is makeup being applied, a car being test driven, or the latest kitchen gadget being put to utilize.

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  1. Glory Gossip Videos

People having an interest in celebrity gossip isn't exactly new - newspaper tabloids have thrived on this for years, and indeed there are whole cable tv channels focused around this topic.

It comes as no surprise, therefore, that people come to YouTube to keep up-to-date with their celebrity gossip set. Many of these videos do still seem like they are straight out of the tabloids, of grade, and you certainly can't believe everything that you see and hear in these videos.

Probably the best-known celebrity gossip YouTube channel is an offshoot of the TMZ celebrity news website.

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  1. Vlogs

A blog, actually curt for weblog but most people have forgotten that nowadays, started off as a web-based log of what a person did each day - a form of Internet-based diary. Of course, blogs accept diversified since so, but you will still find bright and breezy people happily writing almost their daily breakfast and what they managed to achieve the day before.

Vlogs are video blogs, and the idea is, to some extent, the same as what the original web log was. They are effectively a video equivalent of your one-time diary.

Of course, beingness on YouTube they are somewhat more than public than a diary hidden nether the bed, then the content is usually more than engaging.

Similar a diary, vlogs use unscripted dialog and mostly come up across as an authentic await into the video maker's mind. They frequently focus on a specific topic.

Vlogs are often the YouTube equivalent of reality tv. You lot get a chance to meet into the life (or at least as much equally they are prepared to share) of the vlogger. Merely equally reality television can generate some scarily high viewing numbers, quite a few vlogs channels take a considerable number of followers.

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  1. Comedy / Sketch Videos

Quite a few people brand comedy and sketch videos to keep their audiences amused. Of course, sense of humor is quite personal, simply there are so many one-act videos online that you are sure to observe somebody who matches your mode.

These comedy videos are among some of the virtually shared, frequently finding their way onto Facebook and other social media. This is one of the virtually likely types to go viral.

Some of the YouTube one-act channels generate audiences greater than many network comedy television shows.

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  1.  Shopping Sprees / Hauls

Many women, in particular, enjoy watching people going on shopping sprees for things they can just imagine themselves buying. You may non exist able to become to high-end shoe shopping yourself and purchase a dozen pairs of make-name shoes, simply you may savour watching somebody else do that.

Shopping spree videos, more than traditionally known as booty videos, focus on people out shopping for detail products. The most common of these types of videos tend to be in the dazzler, fashion and lifestyle channels.

These videos give a clear opportunity for brands wanting to engage in influencer marketing, as long as the products being purchased match the types of products that the aqueduct viewers dear and yearn for.

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  1. Unboxing Videos

Unboxing videos are very much a 21st Century phenomenon. A surprisingly large number of people like to lookout somebody else accept a new product out of a box!

These are extensions of both shopping spree/haul videos and product review videos - in reality, they fit somewhere in between the process of purchasing a product and the deed of using and reviewing the product.

In some ways the love for these videos can be paralleled by a child's love of Christmas morning - one-half the fun is unwrapping the presents and seeing what is inside. It is the same for unboxing videos, as the viewer is given the opportunity to bring together in with the apprehension of seeing for the offset time the contents of the packet.

As with both haul videos and reviews, unboxing videos can have a huge touch on consumer buying decisions and can be very lucrative for brands. This is another area with huge potential for influencer marketing.

  1. Educational Videos

Nosotros've separated out educational videos from How To'south here, although How To guides plainly brainwash as well. The two categories are big enough to stand autonomously.

At that place are a few big channels, like the TED and National Geographic ones, that belong to big official organizations and share these organizations' material. Indeed, at that place are many other businesses, large and modest, that share educational videos on their sites.

A 2d type of educational video aqueduct focuses on providing educational videos for young children and school students.

They endeavour to provide thought-provoking and interesting videos for their young target audiences.

This is another category which can be considered evergreen, in that many of these videos become new audiences yr after yr, and often receive repeat visits. They only "die" if their educational value goes out-of-date.

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  1. Parodies

Although a specialist type of comedy video, parodies are popular enough to count as a separate type of YouTube video.

There are quite a few parody video channels - some more than successful and talented than others. Some of the best make parodies of music videos, oft making quite a professional looking job.

In some ways these are the hardest blazon of video to make - there can be such a fine line between a successful well-written and performed parody and i that fails to connect with its audience.

  1. Pranks

A decade agone Johnny Knoxville made his proper name with Jackass - which in many means was the precursor to all of the YouTube prank videos. They are certainly amongst the most shared videos, non just on YouTube merely on Facebook and other social media platforms too.

These videos characteristic practical jokes on friends, family and unwitting members of the public. While it may not always be the most comfortable type of video for the participants to make, these videos are definitely a way to brand social media stars of people.

At that place are quite a few series of videos where people play pranks on each other, only for that person to proceeds their revenge in the next video. There are even series of prank videos featuring husbands and wives.

Some of these pranks tin be quite controversial, so any brand wanting to be continued to a prank aqueduct, had better ensure that their visitor values, and those of the pranksters, make a skilful lucifer.


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